So many young people, but also older ones of course, have a big dream: they all want to travel. Discover new things. Maybe even intentionally get closer to themselves in the process. Many ideally want to travel forever. La Pura Vida. Lead a life as “digital nomads”. Or whatever else is in fashion at the moment. Don’t get me wrong. I also like to see beautiful things, to taste fantastic food, and to drink good wine in faraway countries…

But just like that, we can’t do all that. Someone has to build things. Someone has to produce and cook food. Imagine your off-grid camping without any supplies. I know there are relatively many who would even like that. I actually do so too. “Back to the roots.” I get it. That’s all well and good. For a limited time only though.

What makes things worse: It makes less and less sense to stay in one place and create things when money is basically free. Moreover, and this is really a tragedy in terms of our community goods: as more and more people spend more and more time consuming, there is less and less to consume. I assume you get the problem…

We have mega-metropolises all over the world full of consuming masses. Full of consumption-promoting advertising. But advertising creates nothing. The underlying, “empowering” financial system creates nothing either. The biggest joke of it all: Despite all of this, tons of people are getting rich off of exactly these things. Where does all this money come from?

Creation is increasingly fading in our world. This may not seem so dramatic and apparent to most. I mean… Innovation is propagated everywhere, right?! Apparently lots of “new things” are developed, and we see “up and to the right” KPI charts everywhere.

“When it’s scams and middlemen, the money is worthless.”